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Also, note that you may have to repeat some of the steps after one of the major biannual Windows updates. The external manifest hack requires admin access.

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A workaround involves adding a text file (the 'manifest') and telling Windows to handle the application scaling for the high resolution screen. Other software, such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, CorelDraw and Dreamweaver have shown similar behavior. Most Windows X server software, including easyMelts, incorrectly reports to Windows that it is able to deal with the high resolution.

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On a Windows laptop with a high-resolution screen, such as the Surface, you may find that the easyMELTS display looks tiny. EasyMelts is developed by Einari Suikkanen and is not part of alphaMELTS 2, but it is recommended for getting started on alphaMELTS 2 / alphaMELTS for MATLAB/Python.